We’ve always known that the staff at Leisure Care communities are incredible. They are hard-working, compassionate, and dedicated to their residents, the families of residents, and to their local communities. In light of their amazing work, we have decided to create a national day to celebrate them!
Honoring Leisure Care Health Care Heroes
The last few weeks have highlighted the heroic efforts of health care heroes across the country, and the staff at Leisure Care is no different. The jobs they are called to every day put them on the front lines, protecting the most vulnerable population in the fight against COVID-19. The entire Leisure Care family, to include community owners, our home office staff, families, and residents are grateful for their dedication and hard work.
“The Leisure Care family is filled with amazing people who are dedicated to our residents. We cannot thank them enough for the tireless effort they have put in each and every day. From the bottom of our hearts, we’d like to say ‘thank you’ to our LEISURE CARE HEROES!” – Holli Korb, Operations Director
To show our thanks, we have shipped t-shirts to all communities for staff and residents, as well as our home office staff, and community owners. We will all be wearing the shirts and sending videos and pictures of thanks on Thursday, May 7, 2020, and we celebrate our Leisure Care heroes!
Ways You Can Show Your Support
We’d love for you join us in showing your support for our Leisure Care heroes! Here are some ways you can join us on May 7, 2020:
- Leave a review on the community’s Facebook page thanking them.
- Send an email to [email protected] sharing your positive feedback with the team and home office.
- Make a sign and drive by the community.
- Send a thank you letter via mail.
- Film a video of yourself thanking the staff and post it on their Facebook page.
- Send a delivery from a local bakery or restaurant, where possible.
- Send a bouquet of flowers to the community, where possible.
Has a Leisure Care team member made a positive impact in your life? We’d love to hear about it! Send a note to your local community or [email protected] and let us know!
Find a Leisure Care Community
Better with age, exceptional with us! Come and see how Leisure Care communities are helping seniors rediscover (and sometimes reinvent) themselves.