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Unique Gifts for Grandchildren


Alissa Sauer

What do you get for the kids who have everything? For many grandparents, the holidays are challenging and spending money on items that are quickly tossed aside or stored in closets can be frustrating. Those challenges combined with a movement by millennials to spend more on experiences than things may mean that the best gift may not be a toy – but a memory.

Take a look at these unique gifts for grandchildren that will create memories to last a lifetime.

Top 5 Experience Gifts for Grandchildren

A study done by Harris Group found that a whopping 78% of millennials would choose to spend money on an experience rather than a material item, and 8 in 10 millennials say their best memories are from an event or life experience. In fact, their focus on collecting experiences above material items has launched a whole industry focused on providing these experiences. The study says that for millennials, “happiness isn’t as focused on possessions or career status. Living a meaningful, happy life is about creating, sharing and capturing memories earned through experiences that span the spectrum of life’s opportunities.”

These gift ideas align with the millennials desire to spend money on experiences rather than items. They are a great way to bond with grandchildren and create lasting holiday memories and meaningful connections.

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1. Experiences

Experience gifts are a great way to spend time with grandchildren, doing something you both enjoy. Depending on your time and budget, plan a day to spend with your grandchildren. This may include a date to the local zoo and lunch, a local amusement park, or, if time allows, sign up for a weekly art class together. This could also include a larger trip or vacation with grandchildren and grandparents. The emphasis is on spending time together so set a budget and find fun activities to do together. You can commemorate the day by making a photo book together or framing a favorite picture of the day.

2. Monthly Subscriptions

There are several companies that provide monthly subscription boxes to children. From boxes that encourage cultural awareness to science kits, cooking boxes, and more, you can find something that will interest your grandchildren. Set up a time to work through the contents of the box together, or if you live far away, encourage your children to set time aside and work through the box with their children.

3. Tuition and Sports Fees

If your grandchildren have enough presents under the tree, talk to your children about sponsoring a year of private school tuition or sports fees for your grandchildren. Activity fees and school fees can add up to be thousands of dollars per year. Show your support by attending their sports games or attending school performances.

4. Savings

Opening a savings account for your grandchildren or purchasing savings bonds in his or her name is a great way to invest in their future. The amount of the savings account is not important, just the opportunity to develop a nest egg they can use now or later will be valued.

5. Annual Passes

This is the gift that keeps on giving. Annual passes to the local zoo, aquarium, or theme park, or season ticket to their favorite sports team is a great way to provide a year of fun. Join your grandchildren when you can, or send them with friends when you can’t –  an annual pass to their favorite place is a great gift that lasts all year.

What are your favorite experience gifts to give your grandchildren? Have you seen the value of experience gifts over material items? Share your thoughts with us on the comments below.

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