Time to take a deep breath in. And let it go. Ahhh. The move is over. You have chosen the best senior living community for your loved one. You have spent countless hours going through countless boxes and making countless piles. You have carefully selected items and household decor to include in your loved one’s new apartment. Move-in day came. And it went. And it’s done. You’re driving home and your loved one is settling into their new community life. You’ve been working so hard for this moment. So why don’t you feel relief?
Overcoming Caregiver Guilt
Many adult children who move their loved one into senior housing feel guilt. They wonder if maybe they should have asked their loved one to move in with them. They wonder if there is something they could have done to help their loved one continue in independence. This is a very normal feeling, even if it’s unearned.
A move into senior care is often the best option for your entire family, including your loved one. The social benefits and medical care that seniors receive in senior living communities are unparalleled. Their quality of life will improve. And so will yours.
After a move into senior care, you are no longer the primary caregiver for your loved one. This means that your time spent with your loved one can be whatever you want. You won’t have to worry about administering medications or finding something your loved one can do. Life in a senior community handles all of that. You can focus on your relationships and make the most of your time with your loved one as their family member and not their medical provider.
Experience Leisure Care Senior Living
5 Impactful Ways Stay Involved After a Move to Senior Living
A move into a senior living community allows fun and engaging ways for you to connect with your senior loved one. Here are some great ways to stay involved in his or her life after a move into a senior community.
1. Plan a Trip
Leisure Care residents have access to Travel by Leisure Care, a travel agency for seniors. Join a group trip that is already planned or let us plan a once in a lifetime family vacation.
2. Join Your Loved One for Regular Meals
Our restaurants are open to the public and we encourage our resident’s friends and family members to drop by for a meal anytime. If you are celebrating a special occasion, let us know and we can set up a private room for your special day.
3. Meet Other Residents
Take the time to get your know your loved one’s new friends. Invite them for a meal with you or join them for happy hour. Showing a vested interest in your loved ones new social life shows them you still care and will help give you peace of mind.
4. Set Regular Meeting Times
Setting a regular time that you and other family members will stop by is a great way to ensure you are prioritizing visits.
5. Continue to Do Activities Together That You Both Enjoy
Think about fun and engaging you and your loved one did before their move into senior living. Did you read books out loud together? Did you go on walks in nearby parks? Discuss current events? Do crossword puzzles? All of the fun things you did before a move can be continued after the move and can even help your loved one transition.
No matter how you choose to stay involved in your loved one’s life, Leisure Care communities understand the importance of family involvement in senior health. We encourage families and friends to visit, to stop by for a meal, to celebrate special occasions with us. A move to senior living can be fun – let us help you make the transition successfully.
Contact one of our communities today to see how we can partner with your family to provide an outstanding senior living experience that celebrates your family.
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Better with age, exceptional with us! Come and see how Leisure Care communities are helping seniors rediscover (and sometimes reinvent) themselves.